

 No. 23 (第23回)

  • Date: Monday, February 17, 2025, 16:30–18:00 JST

  • Place: Room 209A on the 2nd floor of Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, Kanazawa University (金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室) + Zoom (registration)

  • Speaker: Mr. Mathieu Baltussen (Radboud University, NL)

  • Title: Information processing in a chemical reservoir computation

  • Abstract:

     Chemical reaction networks, such as those found in metabolism and signalling pathways, enable cells to process information from their environment [1]. Current approaches to molecular information processing and computation typically pursue digital computation models and require extensive molecular-level engineering [2]. Despite considerable advances, these approaches have not reached the information processing capabilities seen in life.
     We recently reported on the discovery of emergent information processing capabilities in the formose reaction [3]. We demonstrate how this self-organizing reaction network can be used as a reservoir computer [4] and investigate its capabilities for several computational tasks. This complex chemical reaction network can perform nonlinear classification tasks in parallel, predict the dynamics of other complex systems, such as an E. coli carbon-metabolism pathway, and achieve time-series forecasting for chaotic changing environments. We further evaluate the reservoir's short-term memory by quantifying the predictive information of every compound in the network. Additionally, we apply a recently developed data-driven method [5] to determine the computational tasks intrinsically performed by the system, so-called 'eigentasks'. We use this method to quantify the resolvable information processing capacity of our chemical reservoir computer, both for static (steady-state) tasks and tasks based on dynamic inputs. We demonstrate how this eigentask representation may be used to obtain very sparse and efficient readout layers, and can lead to a better understanding of a reservoir computer's capabilities.
     Our work shows how chemical reaction networks process information based on self-organization, and much like biological systems, can achieve a variety of powerful computational tasks using information from their environment. This in chemico information processing system provides proof of principle for the emergent computational capabilities of complex chemical reaction networks, paving the way for a new class of biomimetic information processing systems.

    [1] Nurse, P. Life, logic and information. Nature 454, 424–426 (2008).
    [2] Grozinger, L. et al. Pathways to cellular supremacy in biocomputing. Nat. Commun. 10, 5250 (2019).
    [3] Baltussen, M.G., et al. Chemical reservoir computation in a self-organizing reaction network. Nature 631, 549–555 (2024).
    [4] Nakajima, K. Physical reservoir computing – an introductory perspective. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 59, 060501 (2020).
    [5] Hu, F. et al. Tackling Sampling Noise in Physical Systems for Machine Learning Applications: Fundamental Limits and Eigentasks. Physical Review X 13, 41020 (2023).

 幹事; Organizers

 後援; Supports


 No. 22 (第22回)

 Mini-workshop: Populations of Oscillators,
 Organisms and Lineages (POOLs)

  • Date: Friday, October 25, 2024, 16:00–18:00 JST

  • Place:
    Room 209A on the 2nd floor of Natural Science and Technology Hall 5, Kanazawa University (金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室)
    + Zoom

  • Speakers:
    1. Dr. Matthew Smart and Dr. Hayden Nunley
      (Flatiron Institute - Simons Foundation, US)

    2. Dr. Ayumi Ozawa
      (Japan Marine Science and Technology Center(JAMSTEC), JP)

  • Program:
    1. 16:00–17:00: Matthew Smart and Hayden Nunley

    2. 17:00–18:00: Ayumi Ozawa

  • Titles and abstracts:
    1. Matthew Smart and Dr. Hayden Nunley:

      T. Mathematical models in developmental biology

      A. During embryonic development, a fertilized egg gives rise to many cells which must coordinate their behavior to establish functional tissue patterns. This interplay of proliferation and patterning presents both challenges and opportunities for mathematical modeling. In this talk we focus on the patterning aspect by considering mathematical models for two distinct settings. First, motivated by the variety of stable tissue patterns reached through development, we consider networks of identical multistable cells that can self-organize into rich tissue patterns through their local interactions. Statistics of these patterns are studied numerically for the case of random cell-cell signaling. Next, we propose a model by which mechanical stress interacts with a cell fate to give rise to stable domains of different cell fates. We explore analytical and numerical solutions for this system of coupled PDEs. An interesting model prediction is confirmed by experimental data. Together these models illustrate how cell-cell interactions – both biochemical and biomechanical – can be leveraged to establish diverse multicellular patterns. We close by discussing the influence of cell proliferation on the space of stable patterns.

    2. Ayumi Ozawa:

      T. A system of chiral self-propelled particles as a mathematical model of animals swimming with circular trajectories

      A. Interacting oscillatory systems can self-organize to exhibit synchronous dynamics. When each system can move in space, their interaction may yield not only temporal but also spatial order. The larvae of the aquatic animal Ciona intestinalis show circular swimming patterns. While a larva animal can swim either clockwise or counterclockwise, a population of the larvae can show order in the swimming direction. Experimental observation has also indicated that the distribution of the larvae has a nontrivial spatial structure. However, it is unclear how they achieve such spatiotemporal order. In this talk, I will introduce a system of chiral self-propelled particles as a mathematical model of swimming Ciona larvae and report their collective dynamics. Although no attractive interaction between particles is explicitly incorporated, their interaction via angular velocity results in the clustering of particles. These results may contribute to understanding the mechanism by which Ciona larvae self-organize and also provide a novel strategy for designing active matter systems.

 No. 21 (第21回)

  • Date: May 20, 2024 (Monday), 16:30–18:00 JST

  • Place: Zoom

  • Speaker:
    Prof. Rommel Real (University of the Philippines Mindanao, PH)

  • Title:

    A heuristic rule for Landweber iteration in Banach spaces

  • Abstract:

    Inverse problems appear across sciences, from medicine to geology. They aim to solve the parameters given an observed or desired effect. These problems lead to mathematical problems that are inherently ill-posed in Hadamard’s sense. In many inverse problems, exact data are not available, instead, only noisy data are available. To obtain stable approximate solutions when the data are noisy, regularization methods are required. We consider the Landweber iteration for solving nonlinear inverse problems in Banach spaces. Based on the discrepancy principle, we propose a heuristic parameter choice rule for choosing the regularization parameter which does not require the information on the noise level, so it is purely data-driven. By imposing certain conditions on the noisy data, we establish a new convergence result which, in addition, requires neither the Gâteaux differentiability of the forward operator nor the reflexivity of the image space. So far this is the most general convergence analysis of the Landweber iteration for linear/nonlinear inverse problems. Therefore, this expands the applied range of the Landweber iteration to cover non-smooth ill-posed inverse problems and to handle the situation that the data is contaminated by various types of noise. Numerical simulations are also reported.

 No. 20 (第20回)

  • Date: April 22, 2024 (Monday), 16:30–18:00 JST

  • Place: Zoom

  • Speaker:
    Prof. Youness EL YAZIDI (Abdelmalek Essaadi University, MA)

  • Title:

    Stabilization and convergence analysis of the singular identification problem of an unknown discontinuous diffusion parameter in an elliptic equation with total variation

  • Abstract:

    The inverse identification problem of an unknown discontinuous parameter in elliptic equations from boundary observations has garnered significant interest in recent decades. In this work, we reformulate this type of inverse problem into a constrained optimization problem through a combination the Kohn-Vogelius and Total Variation functionals. The latter term is introduced to absorb the effects of noise and singularities. To address this regularization functional, stabilization terms are commonly added to the constrained optimization problem. Here, we introduce an Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers to preserve the favorable properties of non-smoothness and convexity of the TV norm. The discretization process is performed using a mixed finite element/volume method, and the numerical solutions are iteratively computed using a variant of the Uzawa algorithm. Convergence and stability analyses are investigated in terms of noise level and diameter of the singular set. At the end, we present numerical experiments to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed numerical scheme.


  • 日 時:2024年4月12日(金)16:00−18:00

  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室
        + Zoom によるオンライン配信

  • 講演者:
    小澤 歩 氏 (海洋研究開発機構 数理科学・先端技術開発センター)

  • 題 目:
    Deeper understanding of synchronization and Oscillation quenching through the reduction of dynamics

  • 要 旨:

    Oscillations are observed in various systems, including biological and mechanical ones. When oscillators, i.e., systems exhibiting sustained oscillations, are coupled, they often self-organize to realize nontrivial collective states. For example, they can synchronize their rhythms to yield macroscopic oscillations. Oscillation quenching, where each oscillator stops its oscillation, may also occur. Each of these collective behaviors is often important for systems to function properly and has been studied by using various models of oscillators. However, models that allow analytical investigation of both synchronization and oscillation quenching are still few. In this talk, I will introduce two such models: (1) a model of interacting oscillators exposed to global feedback[1] and (2) a model of a population of oscillators that turn over owing to the removal and addition of constitutive oscillators[2]. The analyses of these models can help us unify insights into synchronization and oscillation quenching and help us design systems that exhibit desirable collective dynamics. 

    [1] Ozawa, A. & Kori, H. Feedback-induced desynchronization and oscillation quenching in a population of globally coupled oscillators. Phys. Rev. E 103, 062217 (2021).
    [2] Ozawa, A. & Kori, H. Two distinct transitions in a population of coupled oscillators with turnover: desynchronization and stochastic oscillation quenching. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.00630 (2023).

 No. 18 (第18回)

  • Date: March 15, 2024 (Friday), 16:00–17:30 JST

  • Place: Zoom

  • Speaker: Dr. Alef Sterk (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL)

  • Title:

     Bifurcations in the Lorenz-96 model

  • Abstract:

     The Lorenz-96 model is widely used as a test model for various geophysical applications, such as data assimilation methods and predictability studies. The model consists of a system of $n$ differential equations which satisfy a circulant symmetry condition. In addition, the model depends on a scalar forcing parameter $F$ which can act as a bifurcation parameter. A question of mathematical interest is to what extent the bifurcation scenarios depend on the dimension $n$ of the model. The aim of this talk is to discuss the circulant symmetry of the model and its effect on the possible bifurcation scenarios. The primary focus will be on the occurrence of finite cascades of pitchfork bifurcations, where the length of such a cascade depends on the divisibility properties of the dimension $n$. A particularly intriguing aspect of this phenomenon is that the parameter values $F$ of the pitchfork bifurcations seem to satisfy the Feigenbaum scaling law.

 No. 17 (第17回)

  • Date: November 24, 2023 (Friday), 9:00–10:30 JST

  • Place: Zoom

  • Speaker: Dr. Matthew Smart (Flatiron Institute, US)

  • Title:

     Dynamical systems in multicellular development: applications and new directions

  • Abstract:

     In this talk, I will discuss aspects of multicellular development from the perspective of dynamical systems, focusing on two problems related to growth and patterning of cellular networks [1, 2]. In both cases, the state of a single cell is treated as a nonlinear dynamical system, and systems of many cells are modeled as networks of interacting copies. First, I will describe our recent work on the assembly of small cellular networks that are critical for animal reproduction. We treat cells as simple oscillators and allow each oscillator to replicate after completing a cycle, thereby enabling network growth. By modifying three key parameters, the model synthesizes data from a broad range of naturally occurring cellular networks, thus establishing a foundation for theoretical extensions and experimental validation. Next, I will discuss associative memory models of multistable gene expression states in individual cells (i.e., cell types). Local interactions on networks of identical cells can produce rich tissue patterns, which we study numerically for the case of random interactions. Together, these works suggest the study of “growing” dynamical networks where cell-level events (e.g., limit cycles, attractor switching) can influence the number of interacting copies, thereby enabling hierarchical self-organization.

    [1] A model of replicating coupled oscillators generates naturally occurring cell networks. https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14338
    [2] Emergent properties of collective gene-expression patterns in multicellular systems. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xcrp.2023.101247


  • 日 時:2023年11月21日(火)16:00−18:00

  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室
        + Zoom によるオンライン配信

  • 講演者:國府 寛司 氏(京都大学)

  • 題 目:Learning dynamics by Reservoir Computing

  • 要 旨:

     I will discuss possible mathematical mechanisms in a successful Reservoir Computing for learning dynamics. Given a discrete time dynamical system (in the form of iterated maps) on a manifold M, a Reservoir Computing at learning stage can be viewed as a semi-direct dynamical system on the product space of M and the reservoir space Y. Under a suitable condition, a successful reservoir dynamics at learning has an invariant subspace on which the induced dynamics is topologically conjugate to the target dynamics for learning.
     When we pass to the prediction stage after having chosen an appropriate output function from (a subset of) Y to M obtained by learning, the Reservoir Computing now defines an autonomous dynamical system on the reservoir space Y. We consider that a successful reservoir dynamics at prediction stage must have an invariant subspace in Y on which the induced dynamics is topologically conjugate to the target dynamics for learning. In this talk, I will discuss under what conditions such a situation may be attained, and how a usual Reservoir Computing can be understood by this idea.
     This is a joint work with Masato Hara (Kyoto U).

 No. 15 (第15回)

  • Date: November 10, 2023 (Friday), 16:15–18:15 JST

  • Place: 金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室
       + Zoom

  • Speaker:

     Dr. Antoine Diez (Ashbi - Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology, Kyoto University)

  • Title:

     Kinetic theory for active particle systems with geometrical constraints

  • Abstract:

     During the last decades, there has been a growing effort to understand how complex self-organized patterns and structures can emerge from active particle systems when the number of particles becomes very large. Typical examples in biology include the flock of birds, crowd motion or collective swarming of bacteria and other active cells. More recently, this modelling framework has also been applied in socio-economical contexts to model opinion dynamics or wealth distribution as well as in data science and optimization with the development of so-called particle methods. Sensible modeling attempts have been based on classical tools developed in statistical physics to study inert systems and in particular on the kinetic theory of gas. The core idea is the (rigorous) derivation of PDE models from many-particle systems: this is a long-standing mathematical question tracing back to Boltzmann, but which has recently enjoyed some kind of a renaissance. In this talk I will briefly review and discuss some recent trends in the study of collective dynamics and self-organization phenomena and discuss how the behavior of many-particle systems can be inferred by looking at appropriate scaling limits leading to PDE systems (Fokker-Planck, BGK and Euler). Then, I will illustrate these ideas with a system of so-called "body-oriented" particles which is an extension of the classical Vicsek model which demonstrates the influence of stochasticity and geometry on self-organization.


  • 日 時:2023年10月18日(水)16:00−18:00

  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209A室
        + Zoom によるオンライン配信

  • 講演者:米田 剛 氏(一橋大学)

  • 題 目:


  • 要 旨:


  No.13 (第13回)

  • Date: September 20, 2023 (Wednesday), 16:30–17:30 JST

  • Place: Zoom

  • Speaker: Dr. Marius Zeinhofer (Simula Research Laboratory)

  • Title:
    Natural Gradient Methods for Physics Informed Machine Learning

  • Abstract:

    We discuss natural gradient methods as a promising choice for the training of physics-informed neural networks (PINN) and the deep Ritz method. As a main motivation we show that the update direction in function space resulting from the energy natural gradient corresponds to the Newton direction modulo an orthogonal projection onto the model’s tangent space. Empirical results demonstrate that natural gradient optimization is able to produce highly accurate solutions in the PINN approach with errors several orders of magnitude smaller than what is obtained when training PINNs with standard optimizers like gradient descent, Adam or BFGS, even when those are allowed significantly more computation time.


  • 日 時:

  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス自然科学5号館2階209室
        + Zoom によるオンライン配信

  • 講演者:
     橋本 悠香 氏(NTTネットワークサービスシステム研究所)

  • 題 目:
     Reproducing kernel Hilbert C*-moduleのデータ解析への応用

  • 要 旨:

     RKHM (Reproducing kernel Hilbert C*-module) は RKHS (Reproducing kernel Hilbert space) のC*環を用いた一般化である.RKHSにおいて複素数を用いて定義されている概念は,RKHMにおいてはC*環を用いて拡張される.特に,RKHMはC*環値の内積の構造を持つ.RKHSに関しては,データの非線形性を効率的に抽出できるという点において,データ解析への応用が盛んに議論されてきた.RKHSを用いたデータ解析法をC*環を用いて拡張することで,さらに表現力を向上させ,複雑なデータの構造を効率良く解析することが本研究の目標である.


  • 日 時(Date & Time):

  • 場 所(Place):

  • 講演者(Speaker):Tim Muller 氏(University of Nottingham, UK)

  • 題 目(Title):An Unforeseen Equivalence between Uncertainty and Entropy

  • 要 旨(Abstract):

    A random variable carries a certain amount of information. Entropy measures the lack of information. If a random variable represents our knowledge, then entropy can be used straightforwardly to measure our uncertainty. However, in reality, uncertainty does not apply to a simple random variable alone. Our motivating example is a coin with an unknown bias. Every time we flip the coin, we can apply Bayes’ theorem to update our knowledge about the coin. A simple measure of certainty is how many flips have been performed, and the uncertainty its inverse. Our knowledge of the bias corresponds to a Beta distribution over the bias. Simply using the entropy of the Beta distribution does not match our intuition of uncertainty, and is therefore not a good measure of uncertainty. Therefore, uncertainty and entropy are treated as separate (albeit similar) ideas. Whereas the entropy is defined for all distributions over the coin’s bias, uncertainty is only defined for Beta distributions. Our contribution is a specific entropy measure (EDRB) that coincides with uncertainty for Beta distributions. As EDRB is defined for all distributions, uncertainty can be generalised to all distributions too. EDRB is defined as the expected Kullback-Leibler divergence from one flip to another, where both flips are drawn from the same distribution of the bias. This finding was unforeseen, as the measure was not designed for the purpose of matching uncertainty. The proof of equivalence is non-trivial, and relies on the coincidences like the derivative of log(x) being 1/x, and a recurrence relation of the incomplete beta function. Finally, we look at applications and extensions of EDRB to general agents.


  • 日 時:2022年4月19日(火)16:30−18:30
  • 場 所:Zoom によるオンライン開催

  • 講演者:窪田 智之 氏(東京大学大学院情報理工学系研究科)

  • 題 目:ランダム入力に駆動される非線形力学系の情報処理

  • 要 旨:

     本発表では,情報処理容量と多項式カオス展開の関係を示すことで,計算能力についての新たな視点を紹介する.さらに,この関係を用いて,NARMA10ベンチマークタスクを学習したEcho State Network (ESN)の計算能力を調べることで,NARMA10を解くために要請される情報処理とESN内部の処理を解明する.本講演は[1]に基づく.
    [1] Tomoyuki Kubota, Hirokazu Takahashi, and Kohei Nakajima. “Unifying framework for information processing in stochastically driven dynamical systems.” Physical Review Research 3.4 (2021): 043135.


  • 日 時:2022年2月15日(火)16:00−18:00
  • 場 所:Zoom によるオンライン開催

  • 講演者:田中 吉太郎 氏、豊田 和人 氏(公立はこだて未来大学)

  • 題 目:Belousov-Zhabotinsky反応を用いたレザバー計算の提案と

  • 要 旨:


  • 日 時:2022年2月9日(水)16:00−18:00
  • 場 所:Zoom によるオンライン開催

  • 講演者:谷口 晃一 氏(東北大学 材料科学高等研究所)

  • 題 目:リカレントニューラルネットワークのプルーニングと

  • 要 旨:
     リカレントニューラルネットワーク (以下, RNNと略記) は, 時系列タスクなどを処理するための再帰構造をもつニューラルネットワークの一つである. しかし, 一般に RNN は再帰構造を繰り返すことで膨大な計算コストを伴うという難点がある. これを克服する手法の一つとして, 近年プルーニングが注目されている. プルーニングとは, モデルの性能に対して影響が少ないノードや重みを除去するモデル圧縮方法であり, 適切にプルーニングを行うことで計算コストの大幅な削減が期待される.
     本研究では, スペクトラル・プルーニングと呼ばれるプルーニング手法を RNN に適用できるように拡張し, その圧縮モデルの汎化性能を調べるため, 汎化誤差評価を示した. さらに数値実験を行い, 既存の手法と比較して提案手法の有効性を示した. 本講演は T. Furuya, K. Suetake, K. Taniguchi, H. Kusumoto, R. Saiin, T. Daimon (2021, arXiv:2105.10832) に基づく.


  • 日 時:2022年1月17日(月)16:00−18:00
  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス 自然研5号館209A室
                   + Zoomによるオンライン配信

  • 講演者:中井 拳吾 氏(東京海洋大学 学術研究院

  • 題 目:機械学習モデルの力学系構造の再現性と流体統計量の予測

  • 要 旨:
     リザーバーコンピューティングと呼ばれる機械学習が決定論的ダイナミクスの時系列予測に有効であることがわかってきた. 我々は流体マクロ変数の時系列データの学習に基づいて時間発展モデルを構築し, 時間発展を予測することに成功している [Nakai and Saiki (2018, 2021)].
     本研究では, 低次元の決定論的ダイナミクスの時系列を学習し得られた時間発展モデルが, 背後の力学系構造, 特に不変集合(不動点, 周期軌道, カオスアトラクタなど)や安定多様体と不安定多様体のなす角の分布を再現することを確認した. また, 不安定次元の異なる周期軌道や, 二つの異なる不安定次元をもつ不変集合の近傍間を繋ぐ軌道がひとつの機械学習モデルで再現できることも確認した.
     この応用として時間発展モデルを用いた流体変数のラミナー継続時間分布予測の結果なども示す. 本結果の一部は, Kobayashi, Nakai, Saiki, Tsutsumi, Phys. Rev. E 104, 044215 (2021)に基づく.


  • 日 時:2021年12月6日(月)16:30−18:30
  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス 自然研5号館 コロキウム3

  • 講演者:朝倉 暢彦 氏(大阪大学 数理・データ科学教育研究

  • 題 目:ベイズ統計理論に基づくヒト認知機能の数理モデリング

  • 要 旨:


  • 日 時:2021年9月30日(木)16:30−18:30
  • 場 所:Zoom によるオンライン開催

  • 講演者:池田 正弘 氏(理化学研究所)
  • 題 目:ハイパーグラフ上の熱とそのネットワーク解析への応用
  • 要 旨:
     本講演では, 講演者らのハイパーグラフのコミュニティ検出に関する2つの結果[1][2]を解説する. これらは, 宮内 敦史, 高井 勇輝, 吉田 悠一との共同研究である. ハイパーグラフの研究は, 共著者ネットワーク等の2点以上の関係を調べることに有用である. これは, 通常のグラフの枝は, 2頂点の組であるが, ハイパーグラフの枝は, 3頂点以上も許すことに起因する. [1]のコミュニティ検出法は, 劣モジュラー関数に関連したラプラシアンという通常の無向グラフのラプラシアン行列を拡張した非線形(多値)作用素の性質に基づいている. [1]で, ハイパーグラフ上の熱のwell-definedness, 基本的な性質及びそのグラフ構造解析(理論保証付きコミュニティ検出)への応用を与えた. また, 有向グラフの非線形ラプラシアンを用いて, 類似の結果が有向グラフに対して成立することも示した. [2]で, ハイパーグラフ上のPersonalized PageRank(PPR)に基づく2つの(localとglobal)コミュニティ検出法の提案, 及びその理論解析を行った. さらに, 我々のコミュニティ検出アルゴリズムが, 既存の2つのアルゴリズム(Clique expansion, Star expansion)より, 短い計算時間で良いコミュニティを抽出することを実験で示した. 論文[2]は, データマイニングの分野で最も権威のある国際会議KDD2020に採択されている.

    [1] M. Ikeda, A. Miyauchi, Y. Takai and Y. Yoshida, Finding Cheeger cuts in hypergraphs via heat equation, arXiv:1809.04396.
    [2] Y. Takai, A. Miyauchi, M. Ikeda and Y. Yoshida, Hypergraph clustering based on PageRank, KDD, 2020, 1970—1978.


  • 日 時:2021年9月13日(月)14:00−16:00
  • 場 所:Zoom によるオンライン開催

  • 講演者:今泉允聡 氏(東京大学)
  • 題 目:関数推定の理論に基づく深層学習の原理解析
  • 要 旨:


  • 日 時:2020年1月6日(月)14:30−17:30
  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス 自然研5号館 コロキウム3

  • 講演者:長瀬准平 氏(芝浦工業大学大学院 理工学研究科
  • 題 目:深層ニューラルネットの表現集合に基づく設計
  • 要 旨:


  • 日 時:2019年11月27日(水)15:00−18:00
  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス 自然研5号館 223室

  • 講演者:園田翔 氏(理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター)
  • 題 目:連続モデルによるニューラルネットの解析
  • 要 旨:


  • 日 時:2019年11月22日(金)16:00−18:00
  • 場 所:金沢大学角間キャンパス 自然研5号館 223室

  • 講演者:本多泰理 氏(東洋大学 情報連携学部 情報連携学科)
  • 題 目:Analysis on graphon-based reservoir computing
  • 要 旨:
     時系列データ解析に適した機械学習の枠組みの一つとして reservoir computing が注目されている。Reservoir computing は RNN (recurrent neural network) の一種であるが、中間層における重みパラメータを固定し、出力層における重みパラメータのみ学習するというアプローチにより、誤差逆伝播における勾配損失問題や計算コストの増大を防ぐ効果が期待される。その定式化には、echo state network (ESN) と liquid state machine (LSN) という大きく2つのルーツが存在するが、ここでは主に ESN による定式化に着目して議論を進める。ESN では、中間層 (reservoir) は一般に非線形の活性化関数をもつ再帰的なネットワークにより構成されるが、その適切な動作の条件として知られるいくつかの性質 (echo state property, edge of chaos 等) を満たすことが望ましいとされる。
     本講演では、reservoir computing における中間層のネットワークをグラフの連続極限として知られる graphon/digraphon としてまず定義し、そこからサンプリングを行うことを提案する。また時間に関しても連続的な極限を考え、連続時間の力学系として echo state property を満たすように graphon/digraphon を構成し、その時間・空間に関する離散版として ESN を捉えることで、echo state property がどこまで満たされるかを議論する。